공부/Physics for Game Developers
Collision Detection Using the Separating Axis Theorem
2023. 11. 10. 16:30
Collision Detection Using the Separating Axis Theorem | Envato Tuts+
The Separating Axis Theorem is often used to check for collisions between two simple polygons, or between a polygon and a circle. As with all algorithms, it has its strengths and its weaknesses....
- 분리 축 정리를 이용한 충돌 감지
SAT는 기본적으로 두 개의 다격형을 분리하기 위해 선을 그릴 수 있으면, 충돌하지 않는다는 것을 의미한다.
- 기본적인 두 도형 사이의 충돌을 확인하는 방법
//Pseudo code to evaluate the separation of box1 and box2
var length:Number = box2.x - box1.x;
var half_width_box1:Number = box1.width*0.5;
var half_width_box2:Number = box2.width*0.5;
var gap_between_boxes:Number = length - half_width_box1 - half_width_box2;
if(gap_between_boxes > 0) trace("It's a big gap between boxes")
else if(gap_between_boxes == 0) trace("Boxes are touching each other")
else if(gap_between_boxes < 0) trace("Boxes are penetrating each other")
- 박스가 기울어진 경우
var dot10:Point = box1.getDot(0);
var dot11:Point = box1.getDot(1);
var dot20:Point = box2.getDot(0);
var dot24:Point = box2.getDot(4);
//Actual calculations
var axis:Vector2d = new Vector2d(1, -1).unitVector;
var C:Vector2d = new Vector2d(
dot20.x - dot10.x,
dot20.y - dot10.y
var A:Vector2d = new Vector2d(
dot11.x - dot10.x,
dot11.y - dot10.y
var B:Vector2d = new Vector2d(
dot24.x - dot20.x,
dot24.y - dot20.y
var projC:Number = C.dotProduct(axis)
var projA:Number = A.dotProduct(axis);
var projB:Number = B.dotProduct(axis);
var gap:Number = projC - projA + projB; //projB is expected to be a negative value
if (gap > 0) t.text = "There's a gap between both boxes"
else if (gap > 0) t.text = "Boxes are touching each other"
else t.text = "Penetration had happened."